Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium 2023 1 year ago
Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Certificate Validation 1 year ago

The paper was accepted for Proceedings of the 2023 Privacy Enhancing Technologies, issue 4.

python-curve25519-dalek 1 year ago

Python library providing cryptographic operations in the Ristretto group

motoko-bitcoin 2 years ago

The library enables bitcoin integration for DFINITY's Internet Computer. It provides an implementation for all cryptographic primitives and algorithms for building Bitcoin transactions, ready for broadcasting to the Bitcoin network.

The work was carried out under a grant from DFINITY and support from their amazing cryptography team.

Towards Smart Contract-based Verification of Anonymous Credentials 2 years ago

The paper was accepted in the 6th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts, associated with Financial Cryptography 2022.

Initial Commit 2 years ago

Welcome. Most content in this website you will find under /blog. My posts focus on programming, reverse engineering, blockchain, and applied cryptography.

I maintain the website itself as part of an experiment that I explain in my first post. I will be using this home page for posting small updates about that, as well as updates related to other projects I maintain.